Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kyra of House Aeksyen

Kyra of House Aeksyen
Basic Information
Full Name:
Kyra Aeksyen
Lady Kyra of House Aeksyen
The Widower
24 Years of Age (Roughly)
Name Day:
9 April, 273 AC
Appearance Information
Hair Color:
Pale blonde
Hair Length and Style:
Kyra’s hair falls in natural loose curls and has faint kinks in it, leading to a somewhat wild look when her locks go untamed. Though when her pale blonde hair is kept with it looks and feels very soft and can lie fairly straight but never does it seem just flat. Most of the time her hair is worn down but at times she will braid her hair or tie it up into a messy bun when she is to fight someone. That is why should you see her tying her hair up, it probably means she’s about to kick someone’s ass.
Eye Color and Shape:
Her eyes are pure olive green though when you look at them closely you can see flecks of lilac purple in them – somewhat that along with her hair pays tribute to her Targaryen ancestry. Her eyes are slightly almond shaped but they are a little bigger than normal creating an innocent appearance when she wishes. Above them are naturally shaped eyebrows that are a darker shade of blonde.
As is everyone on the island, she is fair skinned. Her complexion is smooth and even and is nearly impossible to tan, rather she seems to burn. It can gain colour though when she is embarrassed or sad.
Body Type:
She has a feminine body with an average sized chest for someone her height but she also has muscles – a reason why her chest, hips, thighs, and all around body isn’t curvier than it is. She’s athletic and it shows clearly in her body.
Facial Structure:
She has an oval shaped face with nice eyebrow bones and slightly high cheekbones. When she smiles the apples of her cheeks become very noticeable and are what give her such a womanly appearance. That and her full lips.
Perhaps this is the thing that people notice second to her looks. No matter where she is or what she has done there is always a scent of lilacs and honey.
Scars and Notable Markings:
Because the girl has always had a knack for fighting she has managed to go without too many scars. The ones she does have aren’t noticeable because they are on her torso where no one can easily see them. She has a few three inch scars: two on her stomach and three scattered across her back.
Clothing Style:
Because the woman hasn’t ventured outside of the warm climates she wears lighter fabrics but often doesn’t find herself wearing brightly coloured clothes because in her opinion the brighter her clothes are the more easily spotted she’d be. She can go from wearing dresses to wearing trousers because they are more easily fought in. She wears cloaks that are admittedly thicker when she gets to the rest of Westeros because on the island it is indeed hotter than it is even in Dorne.
Personality Information
Kyra is not a “girly girl” and because of all that she has been through she doesn’t have the childish ideals that some girls have. She enjoys a good fight and comes off in all situations as a strong woman who doesn’t let anyone get to her. That however is a lie. Kyra, having had been madly in love with her husband and having had known him since she was still barely old enough to remember, knows of all the horrors of what people can do. She lost the love of her life to Targaryens who had been indeed mad and fairly insane due to generations of inbreeding and laying with their siblings. So Kyra never doubts how far a person can be pushed. People aren’t able to get through the tough exteriour of hers very easily but when someone does manage to do so… well, they see her softer side.
Kyra is a woman who loves with her entire being. Once you get to this point people are able to see that she is easily afraid but is able to set all fear aside and continue on. She loves to not just have sex but make love and she loves to feel another person against her. It’s easier to get to her through the person who she loves then to hurt her just by trying to insult her or harm her. People can torture her as long as they want and she won’t break but make someone she loves cry out just once and she’ll snap like a twig.
Relationship Information
Blood Family:
Father; Bargyaen Aeksyen; 57; Alive; Widowed
Mother;  Lillian Aeksyen; (would be) 41; Dead; Married
Brother; March Aeksyen; (would be) 29;  Dead; Unmarried
Sister; Mya Aeksyen 16; Alive; Engaged
Other Family:
Late Husband; Merlin Aeksyen; 24; Dead; Married
Best Friend/Guard; Jonathan River; 32; Dead; Unmarried
Love Interests:
Jaime Lannister
Tryion Lannister
Oberyn Martell
Aeksyen’s Song
[Soon to Come]
In the past Kyra hadn’t had any true relationships because even as a little girl she had been completely smitten with her once-husband. The only other sort of relationship she had was the little crush she had on Jonathan. Though since the death of her husband she has been with a variety of people, men and women.
Kyra was born during the time that her House was serving under the Targaryens. While she was born on the island the woman was 2 when she was taken to King’s Landing because her parents had wanted to allow her a different lifestyle than the one back on the island. One where she wouldn’t know every single person and where the people were as different as they came. It was while on Westeros soil that she met her future husband who had at the time been a bastard-born, but also where her parents found Jonathan who was a simple sellsword. The years spent in Westeros was interesting but to Kyra’s parents, it was also exhausting. With the constant worry of someone killing not only Kyra but their oldest child, March. As Kyra grew and also saw how the rest of Westeros seemed to hate her family and her House. She grew older in a world that hated her which pushed her closer to those around her.
Kyra was only six when the rebellion started and just barely seven when she and her family was forced out of Westeros and forced back home. With her she took Merlin and Jonathan. They arrived back at the island where the Targaryens also were. Because Kyra’s parents were indifferent of the new rulers they ended up living in the castle with the Targaryens because Kyra’s father was a firm supporter of them. Because the Targaryens ended up forcing their ways Kyra knew she would not be able to marry the boy who had stolen her heart she secretly begged her parents to pass off Merlin as her twin and so they were allowed to marry one another.
She and Merlin were married at 14 and the two were easily in love with one another. It did cause some issues that because of the Targaryens people assumed that they were siblings but for the most part the two were happy. Though it wasn’t often that the two did anything more than just kiss or cuddle against one another. Their relationship was more about being able to be together without having to actually have to have sex with one another (this could have easily been because they were still young). The older that the two got though, the more physical their relationship became. Still, it wasn’t Kyra who didn’t have a sex drive but rather it had been her husband. Kyra never said a word to him but had ended up talking about it with Jonathan - who had met a few people before that hadn’t had a sexdrive. He explained it like how some people were sexually attracted to men, women, or both some people just had no want to be physical like that with people. It was one of the many instances where the girl went to the older man for help instead of turning her to father, mother, or brother for that matter.
And as time went on Kyra, her mother, brother, husband, Jonathan, and roughly half of the island’s inhabitants, met secretly. There had been few mountains that had been carved out and made into secret areas which was where they would meet for their religious ceremonies and other occasions. This was how they managed to survive the Targaryens who wouldn’t allow anyone on the island or anyone to leave the island either. The Targaryens eventually found out about this and killed Kyra’s mother for it, to make an example of her. But the start of that was what caused the war to break out, ending in the death of half the island’s people and half of House Aeksyen including Kyra’s brother March.
As things quieted a few years passed but once again the island found themselves having to fight. A large group had come to try and put an end to the “Targaryen mutants.” Sadly this time both Jonathan and Merlin had been killed but Kyra managed to save her younger sister. After the death of the last two people who she truly loved Kyra had had enough. While she did care for her sister the two never did seem to see eye-to-eye on things, neither did she and her father. So Kyra left and where she landed, she hadn’t been before. Kyra came to Dorne, where she stayed a year before beginning on her way through Westeros.

House Aeksyen Information

"They are the reason why the Seven Kingdoms will never rest." - Robert Baratheon
"We care not for outsiders.” - House Aeksyen

House Aeksyen

Information on House Aeksyen:
The House is one of the Noble Houses, yet most of what is known seems to be simple speculation rather than facts and truth. People have thought for many years that the House was just a bastardised form of House Targaryen. From most outsiders, this is the history that people seem to believe more than anything.

House Aeksyen started in the south, having been on the island of Morghon Iōrves since its beginning. The House was bred from the Targaryens breeding with their dragons, creating this weird breed of beasts who eventually evolved - or at least most of them did - into the current House. They created the island using their dragon’s fire and bringing boulders from Esoss to form it, and then stole from the forests in Sothoros to gain the lust and vast greenery. When the mutated dragons finally landed they stole people from all over to breed with, though the appearance in the Aeksyen people were a mix between looking like the Targaryens - with fair skin, pale hair, or purple eyes - or like what the dragon mutants looked like in humanoid form, with black hair and eyes and slightly darker skin.

As House Targaryen made themselves at home in the west the Aeksyen House had finally come to all look as though they were human, however it is still said that the dragon-bat like creatures still groam the island, hidden away deep in the many mountains. But as House Targaryen took Westeros House Aeksyen came from the island to help aid and serve the House of which they were born. But because at the time only the silvery haired and purple eyed ones were allowed to serve the House while any others would be forced to be servants to them. However there being a deep loyalty there the Aeksyens were just pleased to help them.

During the time that the Targaryens ruled they deemed House Aeksyen a Noble House. When the Targaryens were rebelled against and killed, they defended Targaryens until the very last and only a few fled to the island. From then on they mainly stayed on island but no one dares to venture to there, and should they the islanders will strike their ships down. Some believing that it is the mutated dragons that attack the ships.

Their sigil is a dragon-like wolf in dark orange, with the other creature inverted and the same colour as they background - gold. Surrounding the two is a round of script.

"Through the darkness we will rise."

Current Lord:
Bargyaen Aeksyen

Rae Aeksyen

Morghon Iōrves


High Valyrian and the Common Tongue.

They have a similar accent to the Braavosi people but have a slightly more "liquid" tone to it.

Ancestral Weapon:
Sambar, a dagger made of steel, jade, gold, copper, shagreen and gemstones.

House Traits:
House Aeksyen only has one trait found in a large amount of their House (and island) is similar to the “dragon dreams” that the Targaryens have but they are awake when they have vague premonitions. They are able to know when someone is in danger by the intense feeling that they get and only can see danger if they really try to be in touch with that side of themselves - it usually takes many years for this to happen.

House History:
House Aeksyen is far less grand as people make it out to be. The House originally started in the east when a large group of Targaryens went east farther back than anyone can truly remember. They found themselves breeding with the people from the Free Cities which created a mix of children, ranging from them looking exactly like a Targaryen, to them having only dark hair, eyes, and even darker skin, to a mix (dark hair yet light skin and dark eyes, dark skin and white hair and purple eyes, etc.). After only two generations then decided they wanted more out of their life so they gathered up their families - at least most of them - and set off where they found the island to which would become theirs. The island had only one tribe on it and they gave the tribe the option to either die or learn to serve them. It went without saying that the tribe fought against them and more than half died.

Since then House Aeksyen had made themselves comfortable on the island that they claimed as their own. This island remained their own and wasn’t a part of Westeros. In the years between then and the Targaryens ruling Westeros they remained pretty low-key. But when the Targaryens took over nearly half of House Aeksyen went to rule with their relatives, however what they thought would happen and what really did happen were two different things. Instead of them ruling by their sides they were trained as soldiers and usually were the ones who went out and did the tougher of jobs. Because of how they were treated and what the Aeksyens were forced to do people began to see them as being a cruel and horrid House despite being one of the Noble Houses.

Westeros came to fear the Aeksyens and because of this people did try to kill them more than others. This in turn caused them to have to put up their defences and keep out outsiders from their homeland. And when the Targaryens were rebelled against, they sent out all the Aeksyen soldiers to kill as many people as possible, causing the House to diminish in numbers. By this point less than half of House Aeksyen was on the island and only a handful of the soldiers managed to escape Westeros and survive. But as they fled so did four Targaryens, who then came to live on Morghon Iōrves. Yet they didn’t just live on Morghon Iōrves, rather they came and began to rule it in a hopes to one day go back to Westeros. However the Targaryen ways were noticeably different than the Aeksyen ways due their years on Essos.

House Aeksyen had started the practice of worshipping the God R'hllor since they came to the island so the Targaryen ways just didn’t go well with theirs nor did how they attempted to rule - at least with half of them. House Aeksyen was divided, the Targaryen supporters and the non-supporters. After many, many, many years of division a war finally broke out into full. The war remained a secret from everywhere else because they had done such a good job at keeping the outside world just that, outside. The remaining four Targaryens eventually were killed as was more than half of the remaining Aeksyens and inhabitants. Whilst this has been years ago, they are still trying to regain their numbers due to a few other groups of raiders coming and trying to take the island.